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"CAVEAT EMPTOR" Mystery Cracquelle Vases

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Bohemian Art Glass2724 of 6681Ferdinand von Poschinger vaseKralik Silveria large vase
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (214 items)

    I have had this for about 5 years and have continued to be mystified by it. When I bought it, it had been attributed as Kralik, but when I showed these photos to knowledgeable "Kralik-o-philes" they doubted that origin. Somebody suggested that it might be Japanese from the '60s-'80s era. I just put it on a shelf in my library and haven't thought about it much recently. I thought I would solicit the advice of the collectors here, and now I'm very glad I did due to the fascinating conversation that ensued.

    As you can see, it is a well made piece. It stands approximately 9" tall and is about 5" in diameter. The lip is polished and the pontil scar has been finished. The light green base glass has a white glass craquelle applied over the surface. When backlit, it has a soft effect, but when directionally frontally lit it shows the white snow or frosting more than the green. It seems to me like a good vase for Winter use!

    After much discussion we have arrived at the conclusion that a modern Chinese company is importing these retro pieces under the name Margie's Garden. That's fine, because as they are sold new, there is a sticker identifying them. The problems arise when the stickers are removed and either uninformed sellers, or perhaps those less scrupulous, pass them off as Kralik or Monart worth substantially more money. This is a problem with glass "tribute" pieces in general, not just these, because I have seen modern Czech spatter and tango retro looking pieces with stickers. It would be just as easy for somebody to try to pass them off as Kralik, Welz, or Ruckl glass were the stickers removed.

    It is important to shine the light of scholarship on this shadowy area of ignorance and deceit, and I thank all of those who contributed to this very interesting discussion. "FIAT LUX ET LUX FIT" :-)

    Mystery Solved
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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      could it be English Bob in any case a very well made vase
    2. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      It is completely unmarked Malkey, so it could be just about anything at this point, and Kralik has not been completely ruled out. I was wondering if racer-4-four might know if Japanese or not?
    3. philmac51 philmac51, 8 years ago
      For me it looks like Kralik. They also did this crackle on a light blue ground, which I have seen more often than this green. Here's a pic of what I believe is a Kralik Pitcher in the same decor on the blue:
      Of course I could be completely wrong!
      Your pics a little small Bob, so I can't see detail, does the texture on this one look similar to yours?
    4. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      beyemvey, for what it's worth, IMO this is Scottish Crackle Cloisonné, Made by "Monart", Early 20 century(1920-30)
      I post something in a similar decor, different shape and colour 7 months ago, have a look,

      Who ever made it, it's a beauty.

    5. welzebub welzebub, 8 years ago
      I am of the opinion that the vast majority of this glass, attributed to Kralik as a result of a particular researcher, is in fact not theirs. Many examples of this, commonly being sold as Kralik, are actually by a California company and quite contemporary.

      The form in this linked post is commonly seen in blue like that pitcher linked above.
    6. welzebub welzebub, 8 years ago
      I would add that the vast majority of examples are found on ground colors which are not quite "right" for vintage glass....
    7. philmac51 philmac51, 8 years ago
      Hmmm... yeah that link to that 'pink' vase - looks modern to me too Craig.
      Interestingly here's a link to almost exactly the same vase as yours Bob:
      But I don't think it's Monart.
    8. philmac51 philmac51, 8 years ago
      I think most monart cloisonne pieces are found on a solid ground.
      But if you want a resource that might help identify or eliminate Monart as a possibility, I would look here:
    9. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      Craig's link re: Margie's Garden looks strongly like my vase only in a different color. I may try to contact the company.
    10. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      Thanks PhilMac - I will look at Monart too.
    11. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      Thanks Alan - your link shows similarity in the crawuelle and in the style of the Pontic mark.
    12. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      I may be able to guess the researcher to whom Craig refers. I am trying to keep an open mind and have not found an exact documented match for mine yet. I'm glad I didn't overpay for mine, but I agree that when bad information goes out over the internet it is difficult to debunk. There are probably some sellers who genuinely believe it to be Kralik and also some who try to profit from the confusion.
    13. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      Fascinating Monart resource PhilMac! I've bookmarked it for future reference. Though the white craquelle looks fairly similar, I haven't found that precise shape. Much appreciated!
    14. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      PhilMac - that eBay community base looks very much like mine. They discussed both Monart and Kralik. Ironically it may be neither.
    15. philmac51 philmac51, 8 years ago
      Hi Bob - I'm glad you like that Monart web link. Also genuine Monart Cloisonne pieces, especially in the orange can sell for significant money. I have an interest as Monart pieces do show up regularly here in the UK.

      This is an interesting thread for me.
    16. Deano Deano, 8 years ago
      Hey Bob, thanks for the visit to my pink vase. You're right, it looks very much like mine. I wish I knew more about it, I'll be watching to see if you get a resolution. Thanks.
    17. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      philmac - thank you again! - a very interesting thread for me too. I will be keeping an eye out for Monart if I'm ever lucky enough to find one here in Virginia.
    18. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      Deano, like you, I still think the vases are nice pieces. You & Craig are probably right with the attribution. Maybe some day I will see a green vase like mine advertised correctly with the sticker still on it. They are nice enough to sell in their own right, but I suspect some less than scrupulous sellers may be trying to pass them off as Kralik or even Monart to increase their profits. I think the Margie's Garden folks were definitely inspired by those classic makers and techniques because the similarities are striking! - Cheers! - Bob
    19. welzebub welzebub, 8 years ago
      Margies Garden is actually a brand name for an importer if I am not mistaken. I believe their glass like this is Chinese in origin. Their label states hand made by Artisans, but does not state made in the USA. It simply states their location as Westlake Village CA.

      Here is a link to a group of images assembled by Michelle and forwarded to me when she and I were discussing the subject a couple of years ago. The yellow shaker is actually on this site as an example of Kralik production, which I feel is a mistake.

      The ice buckets are all examples which I believe are Chinese in origin, and may have been marketed by Margies Garden, or someone else. I have not seen an example with a Margies Garden label on it.

      Allowing for photography differences, the first one seems to be in the same ground color as this vase.
    20. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      Thanks Craig! I have edited the item as a "CAVEAT EMPTOR" - Thank you again for your time and boundless knowledge!
    21. welzebub welzebub, 8 years ago
      My pleasure..... Always glad to help.

      I owned one of these in the light blue and got rid of it after studying it for a while. Although they are nicely done, among other things, the colors are not right for vintage glass.
    22. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      Yes, & difficult to tell from photos some times when buying on the internet.
    23. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      I'll throw my bit in the mix here Bob.
      The Japanese did not make craquelle glass (that I am aware of ) but I have seen some from Taiwan, all really nicely made.
      They seemed to start making it in the late 70s and possibly still do. I'm not saying this is, just it's another idea, and if this vase has some age it's possibly not one of the recent Chinese exports. I had a bit of a look through Ali Baba and didn't find similar.

      Here's two of my Taiwanese crackle pieces:
    24. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      Great post, Bob! I have told quite a few sellers over the last few years about these vases and the Margie's Garden connection. This post will be very helpful to other collectors, I am sure. I own one of the orange ice buckets, by the way. Still a cool piece, and I really like the lime green color of your vase!
    25. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      Bob, I think this threaded pink vase is the same shape as yours, by the way:
    26. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      Thank you racer & Michelle - my whole purpose here is disambiguation of the issue. I still like the vase and I will use it for some holly berries and leaves this Yuletide!
    27. courtenayantiques courtenayantiques, 6 years ago
      interesting thread with great information. Today I posted a crackle vase that I thought maybe Kralik but told it could be Asian, maybe a Margies Garden piece.

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