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Gold Enameled Coral Garnet Blackamoor Brooch Pin

In Fine Jewelry > Brooches > Show & Tell.
Brooches406 of 917Vintage pins handed down to me , cameo neckles handed down, breclets and metalNew use for bead necklaces and brooches: lariat/neglige necklace!
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (762 items)

    This gem I came across and could not resist. This blackamoor brooch pin is in great condition. This style of pin and art dates back to the 1750's and is typically Venetian. Meant to symbolize the exotic this pin speaks of generations and is gorgeous with black, gold and whites. Enameled on a base of 14k gold. Two marks one Dog's head from the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, the other mark probably the maker.

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    1. Agram.m Agram.m, 8 years ago
      kyra, Efesgirl, racer4four, TassieDevil and jscott0363 thanks for love!
    2. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      Extraordinary pin Marga!
    3. davyd286, 8 years ago
      It's likely that your pin originated in the Croatian region of Istria that used to be part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. It had come to Istria from Venice and became veru popular, I think a town named Rijeka even claims Moretto jewelry as their official craft. By the way, all traditional Croatian Morettos feature white turbans, whereas Venetian blackamoors' headdress may have various colors.

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