Posted 8 years ago
(436 items)
Pics in the listing showed a very blurry mark...
But I knew it was the mysterious maker's work!!!
This little sparkling beauty is 2cm diameter and 3cm long, bail included.
The "sapphires" pastes have a very nice color :-)
Unsolved mystery till this maker's mark will be identified ;-D
Lovely, kyra! I've seen that mark before.....let me think.....!!
I just don't understand why there is no record of this particular mark anywhere to be found. How strange. I just did another search and found ZERO info.... :-((((
On this piece, the mark looks like a flaming pot as the ornament there:
French Louis XIV Period Large "Flaming Pot" in Limestone, circa 1700s France For Sale at 1stdibs
Will I have to change "etruscan urn" to "flaming pot" for the name of the mark...
A search for this new possibility gave nothing!
This is really beautiful Pascale!!!! but I just don't believe how many of these mystery marks you have now!!!! This is just crazy!!!
sorry nothing...i even tried squid mark..
Bonnie, thanks for trying! :-)
I'm sure you already saw this mark, the maker seems rather prolific!
Judy, yes I have several ;-)
I can't buy all that I see, so pin them on Pinterest! (Search for "mysterious maker etruscan urn")
Many thanks for the early loves, Bonnie, Judy, Thomas and Pops :-D
Lovely brooch. Have you tried jellyfish for the mark?
Pebble, yes, nothing! I hate the Bourbon named Maker's Mark, it is everywhere when Googling...
As I suspect maker was German, maybe a German speaker CW member may help with correct key words in search ?
O what a beauty you have there.
And that color !!!!!!
I love blue.
Hello Pascale, saw you on pinterest!!! Wonderful!! and so many gorgeous pins to see as well with the mystery mark!!!
haha, I have been caught with Maker's Mark Bourbon as well lol!!
Whoever they made lovely pieces.
(I am now following your gorgeous boards on Pinterest :). )
Beautiful pendant. This mystery mark is drivning me crazy :) but this far I love all pieces from this maker!
David (Paris1925), thanks, but no, the "urn" or amphora has not the same shape...
Silver fineness is either 900 or 925 on my pieces :-)
Aura, I love blue too :-) Thank you!!!
Judy, my photo is enhanced,LOL! THANK YOU!!!
Karen, agree with you for this maker did very fine paste jewelry! I love Pinterest for collecting things you can't afford :-))
Elisabethan, thanks!
Mystery continues...
As you are, Oroyoroy! Thank you :-D
Lots of thanks to all of you 23 lovers, love back to you!
Love it!
Thank you Lentilka! :-)
Thanks Surfdub for your lovely visit!
Parisian Diamond Company sold these fantastic paste pieces of jewellery, lots of models advertised, a fellow member has a comb bearing the urn mark and shows the papers coming with it!!!