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VHS MRS. SANTA CLAUS. STARS ANGELS LANSBURY ( Murder She Wrote TV as Jessica Fletcher))

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fleafinder's loves1110 of 2465VHS," LILIES OF THE FIELD", ACADEMY AWARD FOR SIDNEY POITIER, 1963Beatles Shirt. COME TOGETHER, '69, ABBEY RD.
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (437 items)

    Delightful HALLMARK Christmas classic !(VHS 1997)CLAMSHELL CASE, EXCELLENT COND..

    Santa is too busy to listen to Mrs. Santa so she takes a Reindeer ride and ends up with one reindeer with a slight injury---in TURN OF THE CENTURY, OLD NEW YORK..!! COOL!.

    .Missing from The North Pole, she finally has Santa's undivided attention!

    . MRS.SANTA Angela Lansbury)gets mixed up in the Tenements renter's 'troubled affairs, and comes up against a sweatshop owner who mistreats children working there making toys--- Mrs. Santa joins the Suffragette Movement!!!
    Even more solutions for a young immigrant couple in a problem fraught relationship with disagreements over religion and heritage differences----- Sweet Sweet story here!!! Mrs. Santa knows just how to handle that!

    This is a family musical ( music by Jerry Herman and others)
    A drama that each family member ,young and old, will totally enjoy!
    So full of Christmas spirit!!
    Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Santa & Charles Durning as Santa,--(we don't see much of him or the North Pole, because the action takes place in old New York.)
    COSTUMES BY BOB MACKIE!!! And they are mind-boggling Holiday creations and yet accurate to the vintage setting of this wonderful VHS movie.
    Simply extraordinary music and dance productions!! Just the right amt. in proportion to the story. Movie was perfectly planned and directed,(Terry Hughes)--Beautiful "effects"!! Enchanting!!

    For Heaven's sake DON'T MISS IT--It is so magical in the sets and scenes--One of the the most splendid Christmas movies you will ever see... My favorite.

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    1. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      I think it must be out on DVD. Does anyone know? If so--I pray no scenes or musical numbers have been cut, and I hope it is a decent transfer NOT by "Goodtimes " and other grossly inferior recording companies. Great covers maybe on those disasters--but horrible transfers. Go with well-known companies only.

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