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Art Nouveau or Art Deco Amethyst Necklace?

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (9 items)

    This belonged to my M.I.L who was born in 1925. I found it after she passed and although she had hardly any jewellery, we had discussed who had given her what. I had never seen this piece before and as she and her husband had very little money it is not something I believe he would have given her. If he had if it would have been around 1945-55 and I think this piece dates to before then ? It is marked 9ct on the gold drop centre piece that holds a very tiny pearl, on the clasp and there is a stamp on one of the end ovals that is unreadable. I think the stones are Amethyst not glass?
    It is possible she inherited it. I am just wondering if anyone familiar with jewellery design could put a time frame to it.
    Thanks for any information.

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Looks like an Art Deco swag/festoon necklace that is possibly missing a few pieces. See those small O rings in the middle of the chain? I think there were two more pieces attached to those rings. I don't see any other reason for the chain to have those rings in the middle.

      Here is an example of a necklace with the O rings in the chain:
    2. Perfumer Perfumer, 8 years ago
      Lovely, Amethyst is a fave!
    3. Ladysalt Ladysalt, 8 years ago
      Thank you Efesgirl, it is possible but I just had a look at the necklace, I think if anything was attached it would sit far too high on the throat also the rings are very small and I took them as just as part of the decoration of the chain. Something to think about though.
    4. Ladysalt Ladysalt, 8 years ago
      Thank you all for the love. I have been going going over some of the jewellery shown and have seen some amazing pieces.
    5. sightseer, 8 years ago
      Hi, this is a beautiful necklace, judging by the way the richly coloured amethyst stones are mounted, very possibly Edwardian or Victorian, and, I should easily imagine, well beloved by your MIL.

      Looking at the chain, I think those larger rings are repairs. The chain looks too delicate to support all those amethysts in their large gold mounts. Once a fine gold chain wears out, they break fairly often, and I can see at least three repairs I think - plus you have the ring, but the bolt ring clasp on the other side is missing.

      To be honest, I think the bottom pendant, while beautifully matched, may have come from another necklace, and been put together with this one many years ago. This, looking at the slightly different colour of the amethyst stone, and the prong mount, which is very different to all the others.

      This doesn't matter though. Lots of antique jewellery is adapted / rescued over the years, particularly if sentimental or highly prized by the owner.

      You should look into seeing if it would be worthwhile your getting the chain replaced with a stronger one. It deserves to be worn.
    6. Ladysalt Ladysalt, 8 years ago
      Thank you Sightseer,
      It is a lovely piece and you could be right about the links mending the chain. It does deserve to be repaired and I am sure it must of been inherited.
    7. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 8 years ago
      Wonderful information from sightseer. ladysalt, this is a treasure and I would seriously think about having the repairs done.
    8. martika martika, 8 years ago
      It's stunning!!!
    9. davyd286, 8 years ago
      I'm with sightseer: both the chain and the pendant are certainly not original. Seeing the back of the necklace closeup would be helpful in determining the age.
    10. Ladysalt Ladysalt, 8 years ago
      Thank you davyd286, I have posted a couple og photos of the back, the pendant setting is definitely different to the oval settings.
    11. davyd286, 8 years ago
      Thank you for adding more photos. It does not look antique to me but a pretty piece nevertheless.

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