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Huge antique silver locket, mysterious etruscan urn maker's mark again!

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Victorian and Edwardian Jewelry152 of 775Victorian Archaeological Revival pendant Antique silver and paste holly leaves brooch, mysterious maker "etruscan urn" mark again!
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (436 items)

    I have had this one for awhile, but realise I never posted it...

    I don't know if it is 900 or 925 silver as someone thought clever to drill the upper bow part to add a big ring bale where the mark is...

    Big! 5cm or 1.7/8" wide, 6cm or 2.5/16" high, outrageous bale not included!

    I found online quantities of this ribbon bow motif lockets with same mark, but none as huge.

    Back is hinged to open, the two glasses are immaculate.
    A rose gold circle (not tested) around the front glass.

    Halas, 8 of the pastes on right side yellowed, mount showing traces of heating :-(

    I haven't found yet something convenient to put inside.

    Mystery to be continued! :-D

    Unsolved Mystery

    Help us close this case. Add your knowledge below.

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      You are trying to make us crazy with this mystery mark....!!! :-)))))) A shame that someone put a hole right where the silver marks are on the bail. :-(((

      It's beautiful.....
    2. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Another Crazy(lol) but very beautiful locket Pascale!!!
    3. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 8 years ago
      Just going to give you a big hurrah for the mystery. Good one!!
    4. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Wooohhh, sorry for the late thank you to all your kind comments and loves, my friends!

      Love you all :-D
    5. fleafinder fleafinder, 8 years ago
      it's definitely by kyra & co.!
    6. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Lol Fleafinder, I'd love that :-D
    7. Masterpearl Masterpearl, 8 years ago
      You can't just LIKE these beauty :)
    8. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Masterpearl, lol and thank you!
      But sometimes (not often!) I'd like a hate button ;-))
    9. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Incredible... I found a same shape locket, 9ct gold and pearls, with Murrle Bennet mark AND THE URN MARK!!!

      Mystery goes thicker ;-)
    10. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Wow Kyra!!! How amazing !!!! We really need to know about "the mark" now!!!
    11. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 8 years ago
      I was thinking could the urn mark be a crown. With the Murrle Bennett German connections I was wondering could the crown stands for where the piece was made. Just a throught, I don't know if this as been mentioned in your other posts.
    12. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Judy, so true!!! At least, the new link shows the first in gold I ever seen!
      Plus, a relation with Murrle Bennet... but who made it for who???

      Jean, thanks for your suggestion, I already explored the crown track... but none was even similar to my "urn"
      Check there for the differents "urn" marks on my pieces:
      Different "etruscan urn" marks of the mysterious maker, part1. | Collectors Weekly

      Different "etruscan urn" marks of the mysterious maker, part 2. | Collectors Weekly
    13. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 8 years ago
      Oh well it was just a thought. Did you get anything on the German silver forum? I'm presuming no, but just asking anyway.
    14. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Thanks for your interest, Jean!
      No answers either from 925-1000 forum, Pforzheim schmuck museum nor the German forum :-/
      I'm currently searching among old german jewellery makers advertisements...
    15. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 8 years ago
      Fingers crossed, good luck.

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