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Unsigned brooch/pendant

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Peterdrury's loves43 of 292Cloisonne VaseMid Modern Decor - Signed (Canadian)
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (13 items)

    Acquired this intricate/interesting piece a couple of years ago from a 92 year old lifelong antique collector. Unfortunately it is not a signed piece so I'm not sure when or where it was made. A silversmith and jewelry maker I know says it is very old and the synthetic opal was "created old school method"

    I really like that it can be worn as a pin/brooch and it also has a loop to be worn on a chain.

    Does anyone have any guesses as to who designed and/or when, where this piece might have been made?

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      This is really superb! A shame that it's not marked, as this brooch/pendant is a work of art. Not really possible to positively ID a maker. Rollover catches came into use right around 1900. The claw shaped prongs date it to somewhere within the first 25 years of 1900.
    2. lentilka11, 8 years ago
      It is very interesting! Lucky find!
    3. davyd286, 8 years ago
      I hope you asked your jewelry expert what "old school method" means exactly. This is a very nice well made piece and two U.S.makers come to mind who used that metal and stone setting: Art and Florenza:
      BUT: their pieces in that style are newer and the backs are different (Art has been around a long time and I don't know if their early pieces were all signed, so don't rule them out without further research).
      There are other unsigned pieces floating around unattributed, e.g.:
      Another helpful lead could be looking into West Germany; the technique is similar and they often used art glass and filigree backs.

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