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Shallow bowl with two burgundy pencil lines and flowers in the middle

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (3 items)

    Small shallow bowl about 7 inches in diameter with burgundy borders. Colorful flowers in the center. Has the Limoges H & C/L underneath. I have never seen another like it and would love to know the pattern names.

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    1. maryh1956 maryh1956, 8 years ago
      Check some Haviland & company collectors sites, they may be able to help
    2. maryh1956 maryh1956, 8 years ago
      I can tell you that’t’s quite old, dating from 1876-1889
      Charles Field Haviland
    3. mcleary1, 8 years ago
      Thank you for your response. I did contact a collector's site . Posted picture etc. Hoping to hear from them but not holding my breath as I haven't had much luck with them .
    4. mcleary1, 8 years ago
      Yes I got the age from the symbol on the back. Just nothing anywhere that would tell me the pattern. I like it and would like to search for more.

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