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Off white bead necklace with 6 small elephants

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (25 items)

    Found in a box of vintage jewelery. Not sure what the material is. It is an interesting necklace with the 6 intricate elephants. Magnified, the beads appear to have lines in them. Can anyone tell me anything about this necklace?

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    1. davyd286, 8 years ago
      Val, 99% of the time those elephant necklaces are made of bone. I can't tell on these - they are very crudely made and the pic resolution isn't great, so it's hard to tell with certainty whether the lines I see on one of the elephants are made by a tool or not. In my opinion, they are not original to the necklace. The closeup photo of the beads is too blurry to see anything but the general view is promising on the beads being ivory - again, better photos would help.
    2. ihutchi2, 8 years ago
      I updated the photos to try to get pics that were closeven up. One is a picture of the clasp, which is the same material as the rest of the necklace
    3. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      I bet strongly for ivory :-D
    4. davyd286, 8 years ago
      Thanks for updating the pics; the beads look like ivory. I still think the elephants don't belong and can't tell what they are made of.

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