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1960s Patched Biker Gang Denim Jacket

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Denim Jackets5 of 9OUTSTANDING Levis Big E 1960's California Hippie JacketVintage Canadian Tuxedo -- LEE Blue Jean Jacket ( Part I of II )
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (516 items)

    This gnatty old soiled beat denim Motorcycle Gang jacket from Cleveland Ohio appealed to me and I added to the collection. The "smiling skull" emblazoned with the number 13 I assume has to do with the gang itself. I have not been able to find the specific gang name and tried - does anyone know? ...The large Maltese cross on the back I knew in my youth as a "surfer's cross" - I believe it may have also been called a "biker's cross". This relic of a jacket from the hippie biker era saw some use and we can only imagine what "the use" entailed.

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    1. aura, 8 years ago
      I love that jacket.
    2. kerry10456 kerry10456, 8 years ago
      Not any "Charter" style logo, these patches were readily available, back in the day. This would be a "Lone Wolf" cut-off, which means this person was wearing as an expression of their lifestyle. Again not a club, but life choice.
    3. HippieArchaeologist HippieArchaeologist, 8 years ago
      Thanks... which helps it fit the hippie criteria - appreciate your help.
    4. kerry10456 kerry10456, 8 years ago
      You're very welcome, enjoy looking through your postings, keep them coming.
    5. Mystaplers Mystaplers, 8 years ago
      I agree with Kerry10456. Lone wolf who was just trying to live the biker life. nice piece.
    6. buckethead, 7 years ago
      Cool Jacket. Definitely a Lone Wolf. Two of my older brothers were in clubs with specific charter colors back in the late 60s. Next to impossible to buy one. I really wouldn't want to wear it if it was available (club's rules) :)
    7. JohnnySmoke, 4 years ago
      LOVE your collection! Do you ever sell any of these items?

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