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My private an old antique bronze gold statue

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1 item)

    Found at Muara takus temple. Muara takus temple is a buddhis temple. Muara takus was build by sriwijaya kingdom in 6th-11th century in indonesia

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    1. Mickael, 8 years ago
      An old antique bronze gold statue. Please comment. Thank you
    2. OlofZ OlofZ, 8 years ago
      Wow! And you could just bring it home? Did you have to ask for permission? One would think there would be restrictions or maybe this was a long time ago?
    3. Mickael, 8 years ago
      Yes olofZ.. im bring the statue home.. i found it in 2006 when i came to the temple.. what do you think about the price?
    4. OlofZ OlofZ, 8 years ago
      Sounds a bit shady to me... I would bring it to a Museum institution and ask for advice, since it could be illegal to sell or possess.
    5. Mickael, 8 years ago
      I already do that. I already bring it to the museum and ask with the head of the museum. But they have no idea about the statue. The head of the museum ask me to give the statue to the museum, but i reject.
    6. OlofZ OlofZ, 8 years ago
      So you got your advice, then? ;)
    7. Mickael, 8 years ago
      Go find the collectors sell the statue.. lol

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