Posted 8 years ago
(497 items)
I snapped up this unusually shaped glass bowl from a charity shop today. I saw it had some writing on it, and thought it was a rd mark. However, when I got it home and looked carefully I realised it said RACEDARLIN! I asked Hubby what he thought it said, and he said it looked like Grace Darling, without a G on each end. It told me what to look up anyway, and it turns out it is a Celery dish, probably from the 19th century. Grace Darling is a British heroine from the 19th century who rowed out to rescue sailors from a shipwreck. It is 11" long.
Here's another, with more info:
Yes I looked at that, though it is a little longer than my dish, and there is no registration mark on my dish. I will check out Edward Bolton though. Thanks for your info.
Just looked up Edward Bolton Glass and found his glass works is actually just a little north of me in Warrington, UK. (The firm of 'Edward Bolton, Oxford Lane Glass Works' in Warrington, Cheshire, was a family-run glassworks of considerable size. In 1885 it had at least four furnaces working, supporting a large home market as well as trading abroad).
Very nice glass!
beautiful piece of glass Adele thanks for sharing it sparkles so much first class historically wise to
This is gorgeous Adele... I love it!
Thank you for the loves and comments. It looks even better now with lovely wrapped chocolates in it!