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World War II compass with radium dial

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Military and Wartime2256 of 7283World War II aircraft gauge with radium dialCivil Defense helmet and radiation dosimeter pen
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (27 items)

    By W & L.E. Gurley, a world war II compass. This piece is extremely radioactive! I was picking up radiation standing a foot away from a glass case at an antique shop! The radium paint emits beta particles, which penetrate the skin and damage cells and gamma rays, which pass directly through you. Wearing this with the dial facing you for long periods of time would definitely increase your risk of developing cancer later in life...

    Military and Wartime
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    1. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      I gather you walk around with some sort of Geiger counter?
    2. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      That is interesting!! and would be my question too.......
    3. RadiumGuy RadiumGuy, 8 years ago
      Yes, racer4four and TassieDevil, I carry a small Geiger counter when antique shopping. As in the case of green glass, not all of it contains Uranium so the counter assures me that I'm buying the correct items. It is even more fuun to bring to a museum, showing other visitors just how far radiation emanates from the rock displays!
    4. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Thank you RadiumGuy, that sounds like a lot of fun !!
      Sure would be handy as you say, to know exactly what you are paying for!!!
    5. fleafinder fleafinder, 8 years ago
      wow interesting and dangerous!

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