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Vintage Custom Brooches

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Costume Brooches1352 of 2534Another Bug...Thrift Shop Find 95 Euro Cents ($1.02)Rectangular Bronze Brooch
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1224 items)

    These two brooches are the last of my church bazaar finds. They are nothing special. I call them "collateral finds" because sometimes there is not enough time to really check out items and I end up buying something I don't really want. I am not sure if you know what I mean; there is a lot of kafuffle going on, and if one is not fast, one misses out.

    The first brooch is in mint condition. There are no marks. I still think it is a couple of decades old. The second brooch I got for free. When I was about to pay for it, I realized that the pin on the back is missing. The lady said she would give it to me for free - so I took it. I believe I have somewhere a pin I can attach to the back.

    The quality of both brooches is not the best, but I might use them to put on knitted winter hats. This way, if they get lost, I won't be upset.

    Thanks for looking:)

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    1. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Many thanks, Manikin:)
    2. martika martika, 8 years ago
      They are lovely, especially the first one. Google Fragonard brooches, lots of similar will come up.
    3. martika martika, 8 years ago
      I found one with the same picture (but the colours and frame is different):
    4. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      Very lovely!! I especially love the first brooch.
    5. freiheit freiheit, 8 years ago
      Thanks so much for your comments, martika and jscotto363:)
      I have seen this pattern on china before rather often but I was not aware that there are so many brooches out there>
    6. lentilka11, 8 years ago
      I would not leave them there!.. Lovely

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