Posted 8 years ago
(1469 items)
Hi CW Gang:
This is what cold weather does to your outside door......Makes Art. So pretty as it looks kinda like feathers, or leaves, or ferns. All unique never to be seen in the exact same pattern when it melts. A week and a half ago it was only about minus - 7 Celsius here. Well this week is a whole another story. The temperature is about minus - 26 Celsius BUT with the wind ( aka as Windchill ) it make it about minus - 30 right here tonight.....and it is still suppose to get colder tonight with the wind and cold to like minus -40 Celsius.
So that is why there are pretty frost designs on the outside door......LOL. Keep warm where you are. We still do everything here as normal as it is just another winter here and us Canucks get used to it. No snow yet here !!!!
......Oh and the the ARTIST of this wonderful piece of Art, is just MOTHER NATURE.
Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!
~ Rose ~
Our 'breezeway' is unheated and has moisture issues, so the entire thing does that.
Whew, that's pretty cold Rose!! But, at least Mother Nature gifts you with beautiful designs such as this, in return for the brutal temperatures.
Yes Rose! NATURAL ART! So beautiful Ô..Ô !
Happily you get used to these low temperatures...
Thank you for sharing :-)
-40!!! Oh dear! I'm shivering when it gets colder than 10! Well, nature rewarded you, and rightly so! Thanks for sharing the beauty!
Minus 26 here this morning brrr. But hardly any snow bright side
Merry Christmas and that for the ~ LOVES ~
Caperkid, aura, CindB, fleafinder, kyratango, vetraio50, jscott0363, mikelv85, valentino97, TassieDevil, SpiritBear
@Caperkid - LOL, you need it colder! Yeah hardly NO snow here either. At least do not have to go out and shovel snow in this weather!!
@CindB - Thanks Cindy for your comment!! Yes BEAUTIFUL and cold.......LOL
@kyratango - Thanks. I thought I would share you some of Mother nature work here.....and we get expose to a bit of it!! Tough Canadiana !! ( or Dumb ...LOL )
@jscott0363 - LOL Scott!! yes I can still be inside to see this Beaut of work, but I can not keep the second door open long or the ART dissappears.....LOL
@SpiritBear - Gotcha we had a breezeway on the farm that was like that. It was against the house, but not heated -- Some many works of arts there too.
....@bijoucaillouvintage - Awww, you should try it sometimes. Once you hit minus - 40 Celsius, believe me when you get back to only minus -20 below Celsius it does FEEL a lot warmer
BRRRR!!!! - Nice pictures though :-)
lol is only getting colder here. Suppose to get to minus -38 here with the windchill....LOL. Just gonna head out into it.
' You think that we would remember
Those Cold and Frosty Days -
But when all that Snow disappears,
Our Memories MELT away.... '
Ivonne, beyemvey