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Vintage German Frame & Photo

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martika's loves1004 of 5502SOWERBY AESTHETIC GREEN DOUBLE SWAN VASEGIANT Beetle Bug Brooch AB Rhinestone & Opalized Body Marked SNK
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (6 items)

    Hello, really need some help on finding any information on these beautiful vintage German pictures & wood frame. The wood work is great, they measure 7.5 in in diameter. Since I can only add four photos I do have two of these wood frames with ALMOST the same picture in them. Only the colors seem to differ between the two. The back of the frames have the same information but as you can see each picture has different wording just below the little girl with the beer stein.

    Any information to point me in the right direction on where I can obtain were they came from and what are the meaning. Also would like to know if these are considered collectible?

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      These are souvenir items.
      At that time, the Munich retailer had three locations.
      One is from the Young People's Celebration of 1962, Switzerland.
      Munchen is Munich, Bavaria.
      I don't know of anyone who collects these plates. I live in the Netherlands and see many of these sorts of wooden souvenir plates of all descriptions.
    2. TurnTheTide702, 8 years ago
      Thank you Efesgirl for that great information. With your information maybe now I can find others.

      Thanks again,
    3. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      You're welcome. I see these mainly at flea markets and in second hand shops. I think the design on the inside of the frame is made with a process called poker work.
    4. TurnTheTide702, 8 years ago
      Great thanks again I'll look into that. I found them at an estate sale here in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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