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Millefiore necklace

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Glass Jewelry87 of 203Uranium Glass Beads?Peking glass bead necklace in need of tlc.
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (247 items)

    So as I was looking at Agram.m's page today, I came across a pair of earrings whose beads were very similar to the beads on a necklace of mine, shown here. She used a term I was not familiar with, rooster cane, to describe the glass. My understanding is these are Venetian vintage glass beads, you can see the clasp in the last photo if that is any indication of age. I will post a link to Marga's earrings in the first comment below, hers were posted four years ago. Thanks for looking.

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    1. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 8 years ago
    2. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      It's beautiful Katherine and very well made. I agree the beads are Venetian.
    3. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      It is beautiful Katherine......I love it!!
    4. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 8 years ago
      Oh hello, look at all the loves on this thread! Thanks for the love, CindB, Efesgirl, Ms. Crystal Ship, Caperkid, vetraio50, aura, TassieDevil, bijoucaillouvintage, jscott0363, mikelv85, martika, kivatinitz, fleafinder, pebble, and valentino97. :)

      Ms.CrystalShip, if I had a dime for every thing I casually bought and gave away or discarded back in the day, Bill Gates would be asking me for a loan, LOL! My friends used to tell me I had good taste but those are things you brush off or take for granted when you're a kid. I guess we can count ourselves lucky to have been blessed with beautiful things in our lives! Thanks for your visit! :)

      Thanks, Karen, yes, Venetian glass beads, too bad we are only allowed four photos, the beads are so pretty. ;0

      Thanks so much, Judy, I'm glad you love it. :)

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