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Limoges France Flambeau Harbor scene plate.

In China and Dinnerware > Limoges China > Show & Tell.
Limoges China95 of 290Todays find at the salvation army    .49 cents. Theodore Haviland Limoges France TeacupHaviland Limoges Schleiger #891 Green/Gold Leaf China set
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (8 items)

    This is one of my favorite items i got from my Godfather. He was an antique dealer/collector for many years. I have tried to find one like it, but have had no luck. I was told it was made between 1890-1914. and that it is Flambeau. I can not find any that even look similar to this one. Ive searched under Limoges Flambeau, and harbor scene plates. I would really like to learn more about this plate and the artist. I see Gres.. what do you see????

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    1. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      Could be Eres too???

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