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Controversial Actress Adah Isaacs Menken CDV by A. Liebert and Co. of Paris, France

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (40 items)

    a find from ebay.

    it's no secret by now that i'm a sucker for pretty ladies. i have yet to identify her, but gosh, there was no way i was passing up such beauty and such a great and clear example of the era's fashion!

    **EDIT: identified! and here's a snipped i found about her and her incredible life (can i just say that i really love this this woman) :
    Menken was a controversial American actress and poet who was a brilliant self-publicist being one of the first to see the promotional potential of photographs in her campaign to make herself famous. She was particularly keen to be photographed with famous literary figures of the day and in risqué attire. The public was shocked in the 1860s with Menken’s short hair and even shorter skirts, and she once gave a press conference lying on a tiger skin, sipping champagne, and smoking a cigarette. Defying conventional values with shocking behavior was her key to fame and fortune rather than acting ability. Her most famous stage role was that of Mazeppa in which she was strapped to a horse in flesh-colored tights seemingly nude. In fact, removing her cloak in one role she has been said to have performed the first public striptease act ever witnessed in a theater. She may also have been the first woman in American theater to bare her legs. Seeking respect as a poet, Menken cultivated friendships (some romantic) with the likes of Walt Whitman, George Sand, Charles Dickens, Alexander Dumas, and Algernon Swinburne. However, Menken’s fame did not last, though she was very well known in her time. Dying at the age 33 in Paris of complications of tuberculosis she wrote to a friend, “…, have I not at my age tasted more of life than most women who live to be a hundred ?” "

    (these images are NOT for use or re-posting anywhere unless permission by me is granted)

    Mystery Solved
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    1. hanksjames hanksjames, 8 years ago
      I will see what I can find.
    2. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      Liebert was active in Paris from 1863-1890s. Interesting guy!
    3. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      Here's a picture of HIM!
    4. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      AKA: Ada Issacs Menken. But -maybe not. Her hair is different here than all her other pics. This girl has the hint of a dimple on the right side of her face. He did photograph Adah a lot, though. (She looks too innocent in this photo!)
    5. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      He did photograph young women (unnamed)
    6. endeeringlyvintage endeeringlyvintage, 8 years ago
      I see quite a dimple on this one of her:

      I think you've got it! She just seems to have her hair parted in the middle here, but facially, she looks impeccably like Adah.
    7. endeeringlyvintage endeeringlyvintage, 8 years ago
      the more i look, the more i'm really thinking this is a match, especially with her face, eyes, and dark tightly curled hair. i'm going to go ahead and mark this as solved, but if anyone has any objections feel free to voice them!
    8. hanksjames hanksjames, 8 years ago
      Lina Cavalieri ...
    9. hanksjames hanksjames, 8 years ago
    10. hanksjames hanksjames, 8 years ago
      First link didn't work
    11. hanksjames hanksjames, 8 years ago
    12. endeeringlyvintage endeeringlyvintage, 8 years ago
      i actually have an image of lina, who was born in 1874. at the time this cdv was taken she either hadn't been born yet (if this was done in the 60's like i suspect) or would have been a toddler, so i don't think she quite fits. adah also died unexpectedly in 1868 at the young age of 33, so she still seems like a contender to fit.
      i really appreciate you taking the time to do some sleuthing, though!
    13. hanksjames hanksjames, 8 years ago
      I enjoyed it ,and I learned something , And it sure beats Facebook, lol.

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