Posted 8 years ago
(5053 items)
i found this in the mojave a couple years ago and promptly lost it. i just found it in a box of rocks i had collected in the mojave. it is magnetic, and feels very heavy for it's small size, so maybe....?? what do you think?
I hope it is a Piece of Meteorite .............. as $$$$ and if Magnetic, that IS a good thing !!!!
Oh yes, I am not sure BUT My opinion is that it may be, as usually they look kinda melted from what I know....and yours does. BUT I am no Expert in the Field but would love to find one myself !!
thanks antiquerose and olebodie. it passes all the questionnaires for meteorites and that's what i thought it was when i first picked it up a few years ago.
This is so perfect for my "Matters matter" collection! :-o Very cool.
Certainly looks like some that I've seen... any geologists at a local university where you could ask?
thank you bijoucaillou and beyemvey! i just added a different photo which kind of looks more collecionista!
i found this two cute little blown glass cloches for 50 cts ea the other day. the meteorite fits perfectly on one on my shelves of oddities.
Love the title!
thanks Davyd!
thanks valentino! and you are so right about the mojave!
PERFECT way to Display it !!!