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18K gold Art Nouveau Diamont brooch/pendant

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Art Nouveau Jewelry239 of 240Cool but broke Art Nouveau Watch PinArt Nouveau Stunning enameled brooch with rose cut diamonds.
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (762 items)

    This brooch/pendant I have had already a number of years and was from my mother. It has two hallmarks 18K and another 750. That's all what I can find. The flower itself is from rose gold and the petal, stalk and stamen of yellow gold. The stamen can move a little bit. The brooch is inlaid with diamonds. All very beautyful and quite large 2.75x2.24". Weight: 20 gr.
    I would like to know if there is anybody who can tell me the period of this brooch? I think Art Nouveau because of the flower motive and the moving lines . Am I right? Thanks in advance for your information!

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Agram.m Agram.m, 15 years ago

      Is there any collector who can tell me more about this brooch? I'am looking forward to your answer !
    2. Nicole, 14 years ago
      Id say you brooch is more late deco by design, but if it has a slider back it is more likely late victorian. Very nice and wearable today no matter when made.
    3. Agram.m Agram.m, 14 years ago
      Hello Nicole,

      Thanks for your clear answer. Indeed you are right it's this is a nice jewel. It has a tube or trombone clasp which was common from the end of the 19th century and continued to be used in Europe (where I live and bought this item) through the 1940's. So, I must come to the conclusion that this brooch is from the Art Deco. Thanks again in helping me!
    4. terilaptophead, 14 years ago
      oh it is so beautiful. Have you ever tried finding it's maker? Does your mother have any idea who made it?
    5. Agram.m Agram.m, 14 years ago
      Hi Terilaptophead,

      I'm glad you like this brooch, but to answer your questions; I can't ask my mother anymore and up till now I didn't tried to find the maker. This I still want to do or to ask the watchers here on this page ?
    6. karen, 14 years ago
      Sorry - but I must disagree. Art Deco came OUT OF Art Nouveau. Art Nouveau came first after Victorian - as it was a knee jerk reaction to the suffocation of the Victorina and incorporated more fluid lines - reflective of nature. Art Nouveau first appeared in France, literally "new art", most often reflected first in Architecture. If you will notice, Art Deco more often than not produces more geometric shapes and designs, and is much more architectural in appearance, and was much more apparent during the 1920's & 1930's. Art Nouveau crossed paths with late, late Edwardian - and became prevelent during WW-I. Hope this helps.
    7. Agram.m Agram.m, 14 years ago
      Thanks Karin, as I understand you believe this brooch is Art Nouveau?
    8. terilaptophead, 14 years ago
      I think it is a lot older. Nature was very popular in earlier eras. -grorgian, victorian etc.
    9. terilaptophead, 14 years ago
      it may have been hallmarked later. the hallmarks date it to 1970's - 750 replaced the eagle for european hallmaking, and loads of people paid to have old unhallmarked things hallmarked.
    10. Agram.m Agram.m, 14 years ago
      Terilaptophead, also thanks very much. You are also right. Who could give the right period. But I'll see here how difficult this may be.
    11. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      nutsabotash I found your compliment just now, thanks and also for loving of course!
    12. IVAN49 IVAN49, 5 years ago
      First of all,let's make a distinction between the style and years when it was made.
      It is Art Nouveau style because of wavy lines and typical flower. Not a single straight line usually seen in Art deco geometric design.
      On the other hand, it was made (most probably) much later than 1900 (.750 millesimal fineness).

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