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Antique wooden sewing egg with enameled silver silded thimble

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (762 items)

    A collectable vintage pouch / sewing Sewing kit - wooden egg / marbled wood -.
    A wonderful vintage probably German sewing pouch in the shape of a wooden egg in a marbled paint finish in a remarkable condition for its age. It opens ingenious by pressing the sleeve at the top (also thimble top) to reveal a double-thread spool, and a small compartment for needles. This kind of sewing eggs were used in Germany between 1891 and 1949, I would estimate this piece to date between the years 1930-1940.
    This marbled wood pieces are often cracked or chipped the condition of this example with only very marginally paint loss around the join matched to usage and age makes it a great addition to any collection or a display item. What here is just so nice, really a hidden treasure, the thimble. This is made of silver (marked 800) with an enameled tose edge. Between the edges silver gilded as well as the inside. Bought at the flea market for very little and did not see the thimble was so nice because the point had become quite black.
    Together with my already shown enamelled silver sewing kit with the special tiny scissors a nice addition to my collection.

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    1. Agram.m Agram.m, 8 years ago
      Caperkid thanks for love and Merry Christmas to you and yours have wonderful holidays
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      Wonderful!!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family Agram.m!! And may 2017 be filled with Good Health, Happiness and Prosperity for you!
    3. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Really beautiful! The thimble was a nice surprise. Merry Christmas from Sweikhuizen!
    4. Agram.m Agram.m, 8 years ago
      Scott, Efesgirl and CindB thank you for loving, attention, and good and nice wishes. I wish you too Merry Christmas and happy but especially healthy 2017 !
    5. Agram.m Agram.m, 8 years ago
      Efesgirl. Met liefs aan Sweikhuizen! Waarom wisselen wij, als fanieke verzamelaars, geen mail accounts uit. We wonen niet ver van elkaar tenslotte!
    6. Agram.m Agram.m, 8 years ago
      aura, martika, kyra and CindB thank you all for interest. Merry Christmass and happy and healthy 2017.
    7. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
    8. Agram.m Agram.m, 8 years ago
      vetrai050 thanks for love and compliment. All the best wishes for your and your loved ones in 2017 and also Merry Christmas.
    9. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Lovely Agram! I Love how they paid attention to fine details back then!
    10. Agram.m Agram.m, 8 years ago
      Elisabethan thanks for your compliment and I agree. Best wishes for you and loves for 2017
    11. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Dear Marga, I wish you a sweet, quiet, sparkly, healthy new year 2017 leaving the awful 2016 and your terrible loss behind you.
      Hugs and kisses :-)
    12. Agram.m Agram.m, 8 years ago
      Pascale, awfull I forgot you to say thank you for your very very nice wishes.Quite late, but I'll hope you still accept.
    13. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 8 years ago
      I may be a guy but I appreciate these things. The wife and I had both fun and profit with items like this. I still have my great grandfather's thimble he used repairing horse tack. He worked for both Rudyard Kipling and Robert Todd Lincoln on their estates in Vermont so that I consider a piece of history to be passed along. Thanks for sharing.
    14. Agram.m Agram.m, 8 years ago
      fhrjr2 nice to hear you and your wife appreciate these things. And so interesting you still have your grandfather's thimble. It's a pleasure to hear more people like old things. Thanks for love and interest.

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