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Antique Royal Delft Charger

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (15 items)

    Antique Royal Delft plate I picked up at an auction. Very large - almost 16" in diameter. Subject matter very interesting and unique (I think). Is that a mermaid on the spinning wheel? What's that all about? Anyone know anything about the design on this plate? Thinking of selling; any idea of approx. value? Thank you!

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Valuations aren't offered on CW.

      Here's a photo of a plaque with the same painting.

      This info is from the eBay listing - photos are not there now.

      "The design elements are very interesting. A woman is seated at a loom and is spinning mermaid hair. Off to her right is a table with more mermaids, and to her left a bird is seated on what may be a clock. A man with a pipe is communicating with the woman through a window, and they are exchanging items.

      The back of the plaque is marked as shown, and the letter code is "O" which signifies 1893. The name "Bisschop" may refer to a 17th century Dutch engraver, Jan de Bisschop."

    2. hanksjames hanksjames, 8 years ago
      This could
      Go back as far as 17 something from Holland could be $$$$ let someone like Dr.Lori look at this before You give it away for nothing. nice find.
    3. hanksjames hanksjames, 8 years ago
      It Could be 2 of 3 made.
    4. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      @hankjames - that charger is nowhere near that old, sorry.....the date mark is DN. That means the charger is a much later reproduction and dates to 1994. The production number is 293.
      The plaque shown on Pinterest has a year date of 0, which puts it at 1893.

      I live in the Netherlands and see many, many Delft reproduction pieces here.
    5. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago

      From 1879 on, the date stamp is a series of letters. The period between 1879 and 1904 uses A through Z, with each letter being a year. 1905 to 1930 uses AA through ZZ. The next 75 years use BA through BZ, CA through CZ and DA to DZ up until 2006.
    6. ginger59 ginger59, 8 years ago
      efesgirl, I assumed the date mark was the "M". If the DN is for the date, what does the "M" signify?
    7. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      The "M" could be the original year of production of the charger. According to the photo of the marks on the website, the year mark which is in the same position on your charger would be DN.
    8. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      You should carefully examine the charger with a strong magnifying glass or jeweler's loupe. The edges of the charger are hand painted, but that's not to say that the rest is also hand painted. If you see tiny dots instead of brush strokes, then the main part of the charger is a transfer print. I am a bit suspicious because there is a huge amount of crackling under the glaze. That is something that also can be reproduced.
    9. ginger59 ginger59, 8 years ago
      You are right, Efesgirl, Definitely made in 1994 for decorators and repro wholesale. Darn! Thought I might have a great one here. Love it anyway...Thank you!
    10. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      You're welcome! Either way, it's a great image and a beautiful charger.
    11. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      I have one of these reproduction chargers from Boch, bought years ago at a street market for old Dutch money: 12 Guilders. That would be 6 Euro ($6.27) in today's money.
    12. maryh1956 maryh1956, 8 years ago
      Is it a copy of an old masters painting? I see a signature
    13. mp.kunst mp.kunst, 2 years ago
      The subject on this plate is a copy of a work of art by the dutch artist Christoffel Bisschop (1828-1904).

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