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    Posted 8 years ago

    (813 items)

    As you can see, I got lazy. I picked it all up the same day as the tray and photochrome and all the other crap (because, in the end, all material things are truly worthless and of the least interest) I posted in the past week, so these were not of the most interest to me in that moment and I already had 120 other photos to upload (and edit, as they were of more importance.)

    I'm just curious: The bowl with the scene, is it old or new? It's totally unmarked. Glaze is neither cracked nor scratched, but the bowl is seriously chipped on one part. I just really liked it. No incuse marking either. Just raised detail along the visible rim (see it in the spot of glare in photo two).

    I'm also really curious on the green with clear glaze transferware planter. Unmarked, of course. Thick glaze. "Crackled." Black and brown transfer of noticeable dots. Vintage Bonsai planter?

    The Blue Willow cup has an applied handle and no marks. The porcelain has a creamy colour to it and reflects a lot of the Japanese porcelains I've seen-- not the pure white kind, but the creamy speckled kind. I don't expect to find out anything on it as it has been for 200 years the most popularly produced pattern, so I won't even ask (hence why I took only one pic of it).

    I think the little plate is a hand-painted souvenir. Vintage and French.

    The floral-themed bowl is a Carl Tielsch piece circa the 1890s. I love Carl Tielsch stuff. This one is in great condition. Not sure what to use it for. It went to the basement display room.

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    1. martika martika, 8 years ago
      I really love that little green planter or what is it. I wish I know more about it.
    2. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      My guess is, it's a vintage bonsai planter. Brown and black transfer. About all I can say for it.
    3. evelynantique evelynantique, 8 years ago
      i like the painting,very beautiful!
    4. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      What do you mean painting? The pink C.T. piece and French dog piece is painted. All others are transfer.

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