Posted 8 years ago
(902 items)
I love this piece but don't know much about it. This is a large piece of porcelain at around 15 inches long. The flowers are beautifully colored. Unfortunately there have been some broken pieces on this. Does anyone know age or maker of this sweet cherub?
Any marks undrneath ??? A pic of them would help or if none a base shot ...
This is done in the style of Capodimonte, Italy figurines. Their mark is a 5 point crown above an N. If this figure is unmarked, then it's not possible to tell you who made it.
Thanks-I knew it looked like Capodimonte as I have other Capodimonte pieces, but it is not marked. Merry Christmas to you all and have a wonderful season!!! I will post my huge Capodimonte flower arrangement later.