Posted 8 years ago
(902 items)
I found this little gem at a yard sale a while back in an old round container with some other what nots. The tintype is really cool with the thin decorative frame that surrounds it and the leather picture holder that protects it. Curiosity got the better of me and I carefully took the picture out of the holder. There was a small wooden piece at bottom that slides up and allows picture to pop out. After getting picture out, to my surprise there was a folded up note behind it. It is a wedding certificate of Charles Wheeler and Myra Titus (sp?) who were married in 1862.
Also, written around the brass perimeter on all four sides on the backside of picture was love notes. From what I could make out it looks like
I love you dearest Myra
Can you love me and
Return your name (?)
Dear A to me thou life
Some of it is hard to read and it is written in cursive with two different sets of handwriting. Very curious and neat piece. If only this piece could talk, the stories it might tell- perhaps a civil war soldier and his love?
wow this is really cool. love surprise finds in old finds
Me too!
Nice find!
I have found some great information behind images that has helped to identify the image-- in fact I even found another image behind the top photo in a case.
Thanks, Scott.
That's fascinating MrsTyndall, and such a beautiful woman.
Don't be sad whoever did the reseatch on myra on ancestry didn't look very far Myra didn't die she & Charles were living in New York in 1870
1880 she's living with her father & son she was still living in New York in 1919 a widow
Thanks racer4four and nannah for the comments. Guess somebody might have mixed up the dates.
My. Goodness! What a gloriously beautiful woman. That is an unforgetible face.
Postcardcollector-yes she was beautiful, I have some pretty cigarette cards and a book full of old postcards-I may post some later.
Thanks Ms.Crystalship-its always nice to find an unexpected surprise like this, especially when it's been hidden for so many years. At one time, I bought an old G. Washington print from the 1800's and behind it was Martha print