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Desk Clock Alarm ( Disney ) TINKERBELL

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1467 items)

    CW Gang:

    ** ( For our CW Clock Friend -- kerry10456 )

    Found this at a thrift store the other day. Super Shape and in working order. I looked around the Net and seen some other saying it is from 1980's but not sure. I was wondering IS it possible to get a True Date on this by the word *DISNEY* rather than *WALT DISNEY*?? As I noted the clock says only Disney on it. I suppose Tinkerbell is from around that era, but this is in such fine condition -- I was just wondering.

    This is Not a Wind-up clock but rather a Battery operated clock ( takes 2 AA batteries ).

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!

    ~ Rose ~


    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      Very cute little alarm clock Rose!!
    2. kerry10456 kerry10456, 8 years ago
      I had a chart with approx. dates of logo changes, but can't find it...... So as memory serves me, the single word Disney logo came about in the mid 1980's to present, prior to that was Walt Disney Productions or WDP, and before that WD Ent., the WD Ent. was used from the 1930's until WW2.
      Sorry not anymore help, but if I find chart, I will update info. But these approx. timelines are close
    3. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      So Cute Rose !
    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      HAPPY NEW YEAR and Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~

      ttomtucker, racer4four, PhilDMorris, Bruce99, brunswick, Dragonflypearl, roddyq, SEAN68, Manikin, Wandlessfairy, jscott0363, CindB, TassieDevil, mikelv85, Efesgirl, TimeTraveller, vetraio50

      @jscott0363 - Thanks, Yes the design and colors and image all just work together. I really like the Mellow green color of the clock too!!

      @Manikin - Thanks Mani!! Yes cute and Sweet and works perfect!! Now why did someone get rid of this !! ??

      ........ @kerry10456 - Thank you so much Kerry. Yeah what I found on-line said about 1980 but the condition was just SO perfect ( hardly even a scratch ) I HAD to wonder if that was a correct age for it. So that is why I threw out the question and I knew you would come to my Rescue on the date/history being the Clock guy!! Thanks Kerry for the info -- This post is FOR You !!

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