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Collection of Transportation Pinback Buttons

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PoliticalPin…'s loves926 of 1022Harley Davidson MatchesAutomobile Pinback Button Collection
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (21 items)

    Thought I would share, another one of my transportation pinback buttons frame, from my collection. This frame has a wide variety. Harley Davidson, REO motors, maxwell, Pontiac, ford, cities service gasoline, Kaiser Frazier, international harvester, Studebakers, dodge, Volkswagen, desoto, Motorola auto radios (extremely rare), Cadillac and Plymouth. Most date from 1930's to 60's. Hope you enjoy!

    See all
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 1930s-40s Funny Button Mini .75
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 19...
    Vintage 1960s Vietnam War 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 W.D.W.Y.F.W Pin Pinback, Historic USA!
    Vintage 1960s Vietnam War 1 - 2 - 3...
    Vintage 1960s Civil Rights Pinback Button United We Shall Overcome JD Equality
    Vintage 1960s Civil Rights Pinback ...
    1944 FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT FDR campaign pin pinback button political president
    1944 FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT FDR campa...
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 1930s-40s Funny Button Mini .75
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 19...
    See all


    1. kerry10456 kerry10456, 8 years ago
      Love them all, but LOVE the Harley union pin
    2. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Kerry, thanks for your nice comment and love. Got to love Harley. That pin is a very hard find. Have a great day and Happy New Year!
    3. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thank You nicefice and officialfuel for the love. Much Appreciated!
    4. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thank You truthisanarrow08, CindB, vetraio50, roddyq, Caperkid, blunderbuss2 and racer4four for the love. Much Appreciated!
    5. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thanks fortapache and fleafinder for the love. Much Appreciated!
    6. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thank you Buckethead for the love. Much Appreciated!
    7. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thank You sean68 and snowman3 for the love. Much Appreciated!
    8. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thank You Presley72 and ravage60 for the love. Much Appreciated!
    9. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thank You DogManKuno for the love. Much Appreciated!
    10. FrankFritzAmericanPicker FrankFritzAmericanPicker, 8 years ago
      Wow, Auto pinback! There hasn't been anything you've posted that I haven't loved! I would love to come pick your house with Mike. I'm sure you have really valuable items!
    11. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thank You ttomtucker for love and Frank for nice comment. Much Appreciated!
    12. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thank You trukn20 for the love. Much Appreciated!

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