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    Posted 8 years ago

    (69 items)

    This was in a batch of costume jewelry I had gotten from a customer at my work. Didn't think much of it until I noticed the ancient clasp. I could just about make out what looked to be an MH on the clasp part with my eyepiece so I started searching there. I think it is marked for 2 different silvers, but I can't remember which ones. Maybe 930 and 888? I gave it back when I realized it may be valuable. So, it's for sure silver and enamel and old. It also has a loop so it can be worn as a pendant too, I think. Any more help would be appreciated! Thanks!
    . * Added pictures of the marks I found. One is on the c itself... To me it looks like a partial M and then an H as well as 925. (sterling silver) It looks like it possibly might have been repaired at one time. Or it is just very elaborately engraved with something my eyes can't decipher. The other is only the top half or bottom half of a mark on the stick pin itself. I'm guessing 830, since that would fit with where this is from. Hope this helps someone crack the code!

    Mystery Solved
    Scandinavian Jewelry
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    1. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      I'm sure Efesgirl or Kyratango will know! Let's wait for them (or someone elses to give us the knowledge.
    2. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      racer4four is right - this is Norwegian.

      This is a Victorian piece, as it has a tube hinge. Two different silver marks are not normal, so I don't think that was what you saw. There is no such mark as 888. There is a silver mark 930.
      I can't tell you any more without seeing the marks close up.
    3. Kjane79 Kjane79, 8 years ago
      Yeah, I wish I would have written them down. I'll talk to the lady that has it today and have her bring it back so I can get some more pictures. I honestly have looked at so many pieces lately that I can't remember for sure what was marked what... This is the only one I don't currently have to double check, though. Grrr. Thank you for all the help so far! I'll update with what I find out.
    4. Jewels1900 Jewels1900, 8 years ago
      Hi, your brooch is Norwegian and by a designer call Maruis Hammer circa 1900. The design is based on a Norwegian marriage brooch.
    5. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Bravo Karen and Bonnie!
      Jewels1900 got the maker :-)

      Kjane, catch it if you can, it is a vey nice old piece ;-))
    6. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Here is a sister to yours :-)
    7. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 8 years ago
      Very pretty, I agree with both Jewels1900 and kyra.
    8. Kjane79 Kjane79, 8 years ago
      Thanks everyone! I'm trying to add pictures but for some reason they won't post! I'll keep trying, though! (even though I think you all have solved the mystery! I appreciate all the love and help!

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