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old china Buddhism temple red copper GuanYin Bodhisattva Buddha statue antique

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (2 items)

    This Bodhisattva buddha stature is made of red copper. In the early stage of India Buddhism, Buddha appears mostly in male identity, then the Buddhist Buddha said that the Buddha as "good man", "great man", "brave man" and so on. In ancient India Gandhara statues, Buddha as the bearded man image, after long years, especially the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, in different regions, different sects, temples and even different Buddhist teachings will show different images of objects, all because the support and role of different.This statue in the middle of Ming Dynasty has a larger head and body characteristics of the overall image and short, straight, reminiscent of the late Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty woodcarving two Daru real Bodhisattva, Aeolus bearing very exquisite, is still a rarity in the Buddhist sculptures.

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    1. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Welcome to CW :-)

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