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Grandfather Clock German Made circa 1912

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Grandfather Clocks45 of 129Grandfather clock "the condliff"Marconi Clock & Radio
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (21 items)

    This beautifully carved Grandfather Clock is weight driven. German made. Circa 1912. It stands at just over 6 ft tall. My latest addition and I pick it up on the weekend. I can't wait to see this positioned in my home as it's such a lovely piece. In full working order.
    Finally restored and in my new place.

    Grandfather Clocks
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    1. BryanBoo BryanBoo, 8 years ago
      I have one very similar, keeps excellent time and the chimes are beautiful and rich sounding. When looking through the glass on my clock, you can see the maker's plate; "E. Lauffer."
    2. newcombe67 newcombe67, 8 years ago
      Hey Bryan...This clock is a came with it's original paperwork would you's powdering at the edges it's so old. Like your clock, the chimes are deep and rich...just lovely and it is a Westminster...I was pleasantly surprised. These old Grandfathers are stunning pieces and I was so pleased to take ownership of this one!
    3. Alfie21 Alfie21, 4 years ago
      In 1961 dad & mom & us kids was stationed in Augsburg, Germany when parents bought similar Grandfather clock from Herbert Meyer in Augsburg. Runs beautifully & on time always. Had it referbished 1998. Hasn't been moved since 1972.

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