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Black bakelite or galalith bangles

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (284 items)

    I found these bangles a the salvationarmy for about 2 dollars each. They are of wonderful quality and great condition.
    The weight, the legendary bakelite sound and the carving tells me it´s bakelite, but I can´t feel a bakelite smell ?! Anyone who has experienced the same ? The larger carved bangle is 2,5 cm (0.98 inch) and the other is 1.5 cm (0.59 inch). The carved one has a weight of 50 grams.

    Bakelite or galalith? Who knows :) but for sure these are early plastic bangles in great vintage condition and they make a wonderful sound on my arm.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. lentilka11, 8 years ago
      I have an identical one. The exact size, color, pattern. I am confused as well.. Simichrome test showed no Bakelite.
    2. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Yes Lentika but some say that test doesn't always work on black bakelite, but I don't know if that's true. I have no other black piece to compare with.
      I wish you could post your bangle on CW, I would enjoy to see it.
    3. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thankyou jscott, Efesgirl, mikelv, aura and vetraio for loving this post!
    4. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Nice! Waiting for Valentino's opinion, I'm gessing galalith. :-)
    5. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thankyou, I already have Valentinos opinion but I'll let her speak for herself :) after all she's the Queen of bakelite and vintage plastics dear Valentino.
    6. lentilka11, 8 years ago
      I will post a photo of it tomorrow then.
    7. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thankyou lentilka :) great!
    8. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thankyou CindB, sklo42 and Valentino :)
    9. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thankyou Valentino, I like these they are very wearable and in good condition. Looks great with other vintage bangles I have.
    10. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      ...and yes it's strange they don't have the smell of bakelite. It's ok if these are not bakelite, but it gives me a problem with future reference when I try to detect bakelite from other plastics if these are not bakelite. Because then I have found bangles with the typical bakelite sound but of some other material...oh no...
    11. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thankyou Val, I'm glad I found them before somebody else did :)
    12. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      I showed these to Gloria Valentino, and she loves them! Bakelite or Galalith? Way over my head :-)
    13. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      Sorry Elisabethan, I had Valentino in mind after seeing her comment :-)
    14. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Ha ha Rick, love the humor :)! You and Valentino are right. I understand why sellers on ebay often writes "catalin galalit bakelite bangle" and stuff like that - it's not possible to know :)
    15. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thankyou for "love" caperkid. PhilDMorris and Rick55!
    16. lentilka11, 8 years ago
      Here is the twin :)
    17. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thankyou TassieDevil!
    18. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Great Valentino! We look forward to that. Thankyou love!
    19. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      I learned something from this post discussion. Didn't know of Galalith.
    20. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      That's great SpiritBear.
    21. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Nicefice, SpiritBear, martika and vintagelamp thankyou for loving my post!
    22. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 8 years ago
      Hi, and hum? IDK but I like!
      Thanks for your support and posts.
    23. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thankyou Onegoodfind :) you are welcome.
    24. authenticvintage authenticvintage, 7 years ago
      I'm late to the game, but wanted to say that I discovered years ago by accident that baking soda and water will emit the smell of bakelite in black bakelite pieces. Posted to the ebay jewelry and gemstones forum. A search should garner the discussion results. Happy collecting!

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