Posted 8 years ago
(902 items)
Well, weird story. My previous post was of an unknown picture that I was just able to identify (with help from Philipdmorris) as the Electric Tower from the worlds fair. I remembered that I had purchased a spoon from a worlds fair and just went to get it. To my surprise the spoon is from the 1901 Worlds fair and has the same building on it!!! It is a small souvenir spoon and is sterling.
That is a very strange coincidence but a happy one. Love the spoon also and you have a pair now that has more meaning. Happy the photo is a large one !!~
na NA na na na NA na have now entered the Twilight Zone....
Very strange indeed! I just thought about it this morning and I also have an art collection book from one of the worlds fairs. Will see if I can find today and see which fair!