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National Bottling Company, part 1

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Cola and Pop Bottles190 of 567National Bottling Company, part 2Anyone know how old this Upper 10 is?
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (159 items)

    National Bottling Company of St. Louis Missouri was founded around 1913 by Israel Shucart at 1311 Leffingwell Avenue. In 1917 Jacob Shucart is now listed and Jennie is the widow of Israel. The operation has moved to 3123 Easton Avenue. In 1929 Jennie is listed as Pres-treas. & Jacob is v-pres. In 1938 Jacob is listed as pres-treas . and a Mrs. Anna Shucart is now v-pres. - sec.
    In the late 1930’s National Bottling Co. bought the trademark and formula for I.B.C. root beer. National also bottled Double Cola as well as their own Hi-Ball, Lemon, Ginger Ale and Seltzer soda’s.

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