Posted 8 years ago
(902 items)
When I first saw this at the sale I went to, it had two tiny pottery ducks inside of it. I was interested in the pottery ducks and did not know what the cage was. The man at the sale asked me if I knew what it was and he proceeded to tell me that it was a Chinese cricket cage. I had never seen one before but thought it was really unique and different.
Crickets for fishing ?
When i was a kid my dad had one. .not like that one. .but i used to catch crickets and mice to put in it. Yours is very nice.
I guess, that was what I assumed :)
Yes fishing
Thank you, lamplover78 for the comment!!
Actually i caught grasshoppers.. careful they spit and leave lil brown marks on your hand. . Funny what we do when your a kid lol..
wouldn't this be for a small bird? crickets could walk right out of it. the cricket boxes i've seen are very small - fit in the palm of your hand.
I thought that too.. my cricket box was metal screened. .
Ho2cultcha, that is what my mom said :). Maybe this is more of a good luck charm for the Chinese.
Maybe it's for volunteer crickets ? LOL !
Maybe so, blunderbuss2!! Good one :)
Lol!! BB2......
Maybe for a canary?? or some other small songbird....
People here in The Netherlands used to keep birds called a Putter in those little tiny cages and hang the cage on the outside of the house. Male Putters sing beautifully, but I would get so mad seeing those poor birds stuck in those little cages!
hi mrstyndall,i believe it is a cage to keep them for fights!
learn something new every day her : )) who would have thunk of pet crickets?
guess some of them can be relatively large?
Yes, I saw that picture too Tallcakes. I guess they do have some larger crickets. Efesgirl and Tassiedevil, I could maybe see transporting a bird in this, but as it's regular home would seem cruel. I would have been upset seeing them too. Fleafinder, I did see some info about the fighting ones-very interesting.
yeah my dad used to share with me alot of his childhood playtime stories i guess he just couldnt stand the sight of healthy young souls glued to the tv like zombies lol
stories of how he catch crickets using an upside down glass jar and use them for fighting matches. Also, catching spiders with matchboxes. He said the simple and happiest reward was getting the "king" spider/cricket that win the all matches.He also used to fight with fighting fishes as well:)
I too, hate to see birds in cages .
Very cool link tall cakes!
Thanks for all the comments and loves on this!
Neat, never seen one before. Hope they did not not make Cages for Ants....LOL
They do! My kids had one antiquerose!
OMG, Really?
I used to have a PET ROCK back in the day....LOL
This is so interesting this Mrs T! I have a question though. What is a Chinese cricket? JK
Rick, their main requirement is that they be born in China. Then there are the Mandarin and the Cantonese. LOL !
Ha! Ha, Rick55 and blunderbuss2!!
haha or has a stamp "made in china"
Only if they were for export, Fleafinder. LOL !
Lol BB2 :-)