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Weird brooch pendent

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Costume Pendants99 of 267Victorian Gilt Banded & Bullseye Agate Locket Back Pendant on Period Chain with Buckle BalePerfume or sewing needles? Strange silver pendant.
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (902 items)

    I picked this piece up yesterday. This is a very odd piece that can be worn as a brooch or pendent. This piece is signed on the back but I can't quite make out the signature. I tried to several pics of back, hopefully these are clear. Any ideas as to signature or any other info?

    Mystery Solved
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    1. roddyq roddyq, 8 years ago
      Is that a bear in the middle holding a fish?
    2. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 8 years ago
      Roddyq, I don't know what, if anything, this is supposed to represent!
    3. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 8 years ago
      Thank you to all who stopped by!!
    4. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      It's Jewish. There are three Jewish letters above the rubies.
    5. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      Sorry - I should say Hebrew! Post in Judaica category, too.
    6. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      It is Jacques Lipchitz. It reads 'One People'
    7. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      Here's one with the red stones.
    8. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 8 years ago
      You go Celiene!!
    9. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 8 years ago
      Oh my goodness, Celiene, I would have never guessed that!! I thought the first letter was like N or X!! Thank you soooo much!! I got this piece in the $1 box-guess I did ok :)
    10. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      Yeah - you did! I was trying to find out about the One People with the hands shaking & the Dove. I wonder if that was a symbol of unity between Israelis & Palestinians? Or all Jewish peoples....
    11. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      It was commissioned by Israel. He died a year later.
    12. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 8 years ago
      That is interesting!! Just glad you were able to solve this mystery for me!! Thanks
    13. rhineisfine rhineisfine, 2 years ago
      There are 2 Hebrew letters below the figure (bird?) at the top, too.
      At first I thought it was a camel and those were its legs...!
      Fascinating brooch and I'm so glad someone identified it for you :)

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