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Vintage paint can

All items89613 of 245686Indian war badge/medalsCHINESE LACQUERED TEA SET
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (261 items)

    I found this paint can in the carriage house today. I thought it was pretty neat! Says 1965-67 Chevrolet Madeira Maroon poly.
    1965- 67 Buick
    1965-67 Oldsmobile
    1965-67 Pontiac
    Not sure if this is a newer can.. but just matches those car colors?


    1. EJW-54 EJW-54, 8 years ago
      Is that really old, gee it doesn't seem that long ago when I used some of that paint....oh wait, yikes that was back in the early 70's, LOL
    2. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 8 years ago
      I didn't say antique! Just a lil bit vintage! Most vintage things i have are still really cool! ;) Thanks for the comment!

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