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Antique mustache cup.

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (18 items)

    I've been told that this mustache cup belonged to my Great, Great Grandfather. I know these are quite common and many are as ornate as this one but I'm wondering if there's anything special or unique about it. Both the cup and saucer are marked Germany, the cup has #12 on it and the saucer #13. Anyone have any expertise related to this cup?

    Added a photo of the mark and number. Mark not very clear, Made in Germany inside a rectangle. This is the saucer, #13. Same mark on cup, #12. Added a separate photo of saucer also.

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    1. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      I've seen a LOT of mustache cups, but never one that embellished! (I have to wonder if it belonged to a sideshow bearded lady!? LOL!)
    2. rickdrake rickdrake, 8 years ago
      Yeah, I went looking, I guess there really AREN'T that many as ornate as this one.
    3. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Can you edit your post and add a photo of the mark? Marks often tell a bigger story than the item.
    4. rickdrake rickdrake, 8 years ago
      Unfortunately since it only said "Germany" with the numbers 12 & 13 on the cup and saucer I didn't take a pic, I should have. I'll do so at my earliest convenience...:)
    5. rickdrake rickdrake, 8 years ago
      Added the mark Efesgirl, such as it is.
    6. AdeleC AdeleC, 8 years ago
      The mark made in Germany was used from 1890 - 1949, then again after 1989. Hope that helps a bit!
    7. rickdrake rickdrake, 8 years ago
      Thanks. Was the mark used by a variety of manufacturers?
    8. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      See here. Scroll down to June 14. Nice write up on these embellished cups.
    9. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      "During in the late 19th century, mottoes or expressions on mustache cups, written in enamel, gold, or molded in relief, became a fad. "
    10. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      Your saucer is not a match.
    11. rickdrake rickdrake, 8 years ago
      Interesting article, thanks. As far as the saucer not matching, I don't have the cup here but I'm pretty sure the green in the saucer is faded in on the backside of the cup. Or, maybe it wasn't intended to be an exact match? All I know is that each piece has the same mark and they're consecutively numbered as 12 & 13, the cup is 12 and the saucer 13. Common sense tells me that they were at least intended to be a set. Who knows.
    12. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      Great Piece Rick, the decoration is over the top!
    13. jamelvin, 7 years ago
      Did you find out anything about the cup, manufacturer, worth, anything? I have a similar one numbered 20. thanks.

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