Posted 8 years ago
(871 items)
Its amazing how enjoyable collecting bottles can be. What started with a few choice design milk bottles has grown into filling a room. Anything rare seems to be my focus when it comes to milks. Baby tops, cop the creams, war slogans have dominated the space, but Disneys & other specialty designs seem to find their way on my shelves.
All shelves are now full, a curio cabinet has been brought to the room & filled.....maybe another room is necessary.
I could use a few more rooms myself.
Be proud and happy- what a collection! Probably helped keep you sane too :)))
Oh this girl needs a room like this for my pottery! Very lovely display of your milk bottles.
Amazing collection !
Thanks to all for the nice comments.
That looks great! I am in the process of refinishing my basement to display my many hundreds of bottles and soda related stuff. Did yo build those shelves from scratch? Any tips on them?
Wow, nice collection and display-are those dolls in the very back cabinet?
Those are milk bottles dressed as dolls....some factory made & some home made years ago.
Yes, we built the shelves to accommodate quart size milk bottles. Just be sure to anchor your shelves firmly to wall if you make them tall.