Posted 8 years ago
(948 items)
This Victorian single epergne is a "marriage" - the parts were purchased separately & I put them together. At my local flea market, a seller had a collection of various epergne parts for sale, & I chose these ones because I thought they would work well together - & much cheaper than buying an intact item of the same type in a shop. Including the base it measures 27.5 cm tall.
The single "trumpet" is made from pale yellow uranium glass with a touch of opalescence. Possibly of English origin.
These look fabulous together!
Many thanks courtenayantiques!
Great pairing. I generally find epergne very fussy, but this single, in that base, are just wonderful.
Thanks so much, racer4four! I have various other odds & ends of epergnes which are waiting to find the right match to turn up, all part of the fun of collecting Victorian glass...