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#32 ~ 17" High Signed Hand-Carved Peace Sign with exceptional details

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (516 items)

    #32 ~ 17" High Signed Hand-Carved Peace Sign with exceptional details

    As LARGE as it looks like on the computer screen - it is larger in life. From San Antonio Texas - this is a holy grail among the always popular vintage carved peace signs. I am sure you have seen the vintage 4"-6" teak mass produced peace signs in your travels - in fact at one time I had more than a half dozen of them... but then came this. A whopping 17" tall, all hand carved - even wearing a watch! Signed on the bottom - it was created by artist Errol Reina of San Antonio TX - as a Christmas present. Best example I have ever seen of a 1960s hippie folk art peace sign... and I doubt whomever received it that Christmas appreciated it half as much as I do. I thank you Mr. Reina for your fine carving skill and this extraordinary addition to my collection.

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    1. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      Love it! Isn't there a 70 after San Antonio?
    2. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      He and I share a birthday - 12/15, but he was born in 1947. Errol Joe Reina.
    3. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      Contact him of Facebook, and ask him about it! I bet he'll freak out!
    4. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      He's not a hippie anymore. He's a Trumper. Sad!
    5. HippieArchaeologist HippieArchaeologist, 8 years ago
      hey Celiene -= thanks for all your research! I just messaged him on Facebook and eager to hear what he has to say... Appreciate your enthusiasm.
    6. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Very cool I've not seen this one before, I still have the smaller plain version that was given to me in c1970
    7. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 8 years ago
      have you put on an exhibit of your collection yet? i may know some people in san francisco who would sponsor a public exhibit if you are interested. let me know -

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