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CDV photograph of Mary Todd Lincoln

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Civil War143 of 404US Navy Gunner from the USS MonongahelaFrom Life cdv of Abraham Lincoln
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (977 items)

    This is a nice documented from life view of Mrs. Abraham Lincoln.

    She is posed in her mourning attire that was worn when her son Willie died.

    The photograph dates from 1862 and reflects the mourning period after her sons death in FEB 1862.

    The back has period pencil and ink identification-- the date most likely represents the date that the Civil War era owner acquired the image.

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks rose-- appreciate you looking!

    2. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks for looking tassie and cultcha.

    3. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      What great additions to your collection Scott.
      I can't imagine these are available often!
    4. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks racer. Lithographic carte de visite views of President Lincoln and Mary Todd are actually fairly plentiful in the market and don't bring a great deal of money.

      From life cdvs are a completely different story when it comes to availability and collector value.

    5. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks much rade and frank.

    6. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks much craig!

    7. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks vetraio, vo and rose!

    8. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks martika.

    9. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 8 years ago
      wonderful pair congratulations
    10. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks kiva-- appreciate you looking and commenting.

    11. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      Thanks malkey.

    12. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      Thanks watchsearcher.


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