Posted 8 years ago
(936 items)
This pair of Burmese glass vases by Welz have a swirling ribbed pattern. The pale custard yellow contains uranium. Although they are a matched pair, there is a slight difference in heights, one being 11 cm tall & the other around 10.5 cm, with the base just over 6 cm across. From the late Victorian era.
Just a taste of my Burmese glass - more to come in the near future.
Very pretty pair.... and I love pairs.... These look like Hyacinth or bulb vases.
Thanks, welzebub! Yes, I thought that they might be hyacinth vases too, with those cupped tops. Never seen this shape in Burmese glass before. There will be another pair of Burmese glass vases appearing in a future post for your enjoyment as well.