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    Posted 8 years ago

    (8 items)

    This beautiful perfume atomiser was inherited by mother, who died 18 years ago, from her grandmother. I have not been able to source its era or origin but believe it to be from the Victorian era possibly( any thoughts would be appreciated)
    it has beautiful tapestry work on the front and back and is approx the size of a lighter, possibly for a purse size?
    When you press the button the perfume spray pops up.
    It is a very unusual and equisite piece

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      What a wonderful piece! I know little but agree it's probably Victorian era, but I have never seen the popup style before.
      No marks anywhere on the base or device pieces?
    2. bijoucaillouvintage bijoucaillouvintage, 8 years ago
      Such a cool piece!
    3. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Here is something similar.....without the tapestry :-)
    4. Moz, 8 years ago
      Thank you so much fto everyone for their wonderful information :-) very much appreciated!! it is fascinating to learn the history of some of these items that i inherited. There does not appear to be any marking on the base as far as i could see. but remarkable piece that i havent seen on websites anywhere so far, my mother collected many different antiques over her time and ageing look of this item may reflect its ages '. Thank you to Tassiedevil for your photo, much appreciated
    5. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      This is very nice. I agree, Victorian. I just sold one in a pop up/lighter style, chrome and enamel, I may have posted it here or so I thought but mine was from the 50's and the name 'Nacon' was on the bottom. While researching, I saw one with this same pattern on material only on the front, the back was enamel.
      What I do have is a small jewelry box that has a very fine black material with a single rose that is like yours and when I open it, it says "Western Germany". (typed or stamped letters in gold)

      I'll post them both for you so you can see the difference (era wise) in the atomizers and similarities as far as the way they operate, and of course the little jewelry box. Yours may just be from West Germany.

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