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Seven Barks Quack Medication Lyman Brown Proprietor, New York, NY

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Pharmacy94 of 26418th CENTURY DELFT WARE P AGARICIL DRUGGIST POT40's double sided rexall porcelain neon sign
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1101 items)

    Seven Barks Medication Lyman Brown Proprietor, New York, NY

    This is so cool. A medication for anything that ails you: Dyspepsia; Indigestion; Rheumatism; Constipation, etc.
    Derived from the 7 layers of the Hydrangea bark.
    "If the dose moves your bowels too much, diminish it, if not, increase it."
    "Dose 10 to 20 drops in a teaspoon of water."
    The bottle is full and the medication comes with a small corkscrew to remove the cork (or the user's "cork"). There is also a small booklet of instructions included.
    I love the dog graphics and that is the main reason that I purchased it from a local shop. I could find a few others on line, without the corkscrew.
    I found the following on line:
    This obscure medicine was produced by the Mt. Lebanon, NY Shakers exclusively for the New York druggist Lyman Brown.
    It was sold as a cure for everything from dyspepsia and rheumatism to female complaints.
    Overall length of box is about 3-1/2 inches, rectangular package, about 1-1/2 inch square.
    The following is an old advertisement:

    COSTS NOTHING TO TRY Seven Barks. Local Druggists Guarantee Its Efficacy or Make No Charge. We want everybody suffering from any disorder of the Stomach, Bowels or Liver to get a full bottle of "Seven Barks." the great German stomach and liver regulator. As an evidence of good faith, we ask a deposit of 60 cents, but if after taking according to directions, the remedy does not accomplish all that is claimed, return the empty or partly used bottle and your money will be cheerfully handed back.We could not afford to make a guarantee of this kind were we not positive of our position. "Seven Barks" is not an untried remedy. It has been on the market for thirty-live years with astonishing success.
    Lyman Brown, Esq. "Dear Sir—l have just finished a bottle of your 'Seven Barks' with marvelous results. Its equally a reconstructor and Mood purifier was unknown to me. I have derived wonderful benefit from the use of this medicine. You are at liberty to use this testimony as a Godsend to suffering humanity. Very truly yours, W. N. Carter."
    There is no remedy on earth that keeps its friends longer than "Seven Barks" There are thousands of American families never without a bottle, nor have they been without for twenty years. Grandmothers, mothers and children are all enthusiastic in their praise. Don't postpone calling for a bottle.

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    1. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 8 years ago
      Nicefice, Thank you!
    2. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Really? Why don't we have those powerful medicines nowadays ;-))))

      Love the dogs too and the pun!
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      That is absolutely amazing!! I love the directions:)
    4. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 8 years ago
      kyra, Many thanks! I knew that you would love the dogs...oh, and thanks for getting my pun :)

      jscott, I thought about trying some... wonder what it would taste like after all of these years (???) :(
    5. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Look at you: you just did all my research for me. Today at bottle club I got one of these, remembered this post, and here I go. :P
    6. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 8 years ago
      SpiritBear, I am so glad that you got one! I think that it is very cool! I have not tried mine yet :)
    7. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      I don't recommend trying them. LOL.
      Mine was written over in grease pen, right over the dogs, and is also missing the part that says Seven Barks (not sure why it had a punch-out?). I fixed the first issue, but if you don't mind I'd like to print out your pic and cut out that little part that says Seven Barks.
    8. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 8 years ago
      SpiritBear, Of course! You never have to ask to use anything that I have here. The dogs really sold me on this. Take care :)
    9. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Thank you. I really liked your box, so when I saw one.... MINE. LOL.

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