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1909 Elgin up $ down wind indicator- 16s-21j- lever set grade 454- Father Time

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (11 items)

    This is a very nice watch.. It took me a long time to find one like this..I got It from a pocket watch repair man, he has been fixing watches for years. So happy that I was able to find one like this. It makes a nice addiction to my collection of watches..

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    1. kerry10456 kerry10456, 8 years ago
      One of my favorite Rail road approved watches, thanks for sharing
    2. Walt_league, 8 years ago
      I love old pocket watches too.
      What is the function of the upper dial?
    3. Walt_league, 8 years ago
      All my railroad approved watches are modern seikos.

    4. shawnicus shawnicus, 8 years ago
      upper dial is has left to run between winding,...since it came from a watch repair place is probably pretty close so should run 40 hours on a full wind,..older dirty ones might not run as long
    5. Walt_league, 8 years ago
      That is all kinds of COOL!
    6. goldfield, 4 years ago
      I have a watch that looks exactly like this. It belonged to my grandfather. 1900-1909 is most likely when he purchased it.
    7. APEXantiques APEXantiques, 4 years ago
      Are Swiss versions of the 21j up down dial sought after time pieces?

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