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Prewar Lionel Model Trains8 of 22pair of old metal LIONEL model train carsMy contribution to Industrial Style Decor
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1 item)

    These pictures are all I know about these items. I am looking for info ( model number, date of manufacture, etc.) so I can possibly sell these items on behalf of my mother since dad passed away recently. I can find a monetary value elsewhere. I could apply voltage to see if the loco runs, but have not done so yet. A quick inspection of the loco did not reveal any model number or name, just the Lionel label on each end as shown in the photo.

    Thanks in advance.
    Eric B.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. roddyq roddyq, 8 years ago
      Just a quick look at your square cab engine could possibly date it somewhere in the 1915-19's. More then likely it is from the classic period 1923 to 1942. Either way it is a fine set.It appears to be missing the cow catchers and possible other small pieces. The overall condition looks good. I am interested to know more about it also.
    2. roddyq roddyq, 8 years ago
      OPPs sorry I didn't see the cow catchers from the side view until I looked closer
    3. ericbphoto, 8 years ago
      Yes, there are some things missing. Probably a light on the top and perhaps a few other small details. It appears that someone repainted these pieces some time back. I found a picture, yesterday of a Lionel Model 38 that looks very similar except that the "cow catchers" on this model appear to be smaller. I'm not sure if the passenger cars were part of a set or were separate pieces.
    4. roddyq roddyq, 8 years ago
      I was looking through my lionel standard gauge book last night and the #38 looks the closest to your engine. the same model # you found. Produced from 1913 to 1924 it is the one most common from this era as production numbers were the highest. The same round body was used to produce a couple of different #'s.
      The 3 pieces all look like they are the same all pullmans from around 1910. The long straight couplers are from 1906-14 which helps to date them.
      I was aware that everything had been painted.
      If you check out my train posts you will see that diesels from the 1950's are my favorite as my first train is from 1953. I do have an interest in diesels from different years also.
      I am interested in discussing in detail with you about any Lionel items you are wanting to part with including the painted ones.
      I hope this helps you with the years of your pieces.
    5. ericbphoto, 8 years ago
      I was going to send you a private message, but don't see how to do that on this forum. I am interested in selling this group of items. Not sure what value to put on it. But I will entertain all offers. Since you spoke up first, you get priority. Shipping will be from near Greenville, SC.

      There may be other Lionel items. I just haven't found them yet. Dad was an avid modeler in HO scale since approx. 1950 and I will be selling off his collection on ebay, starting in a few weeks. Included will be rolling stock, buildings, Railroad books, modeling parts, supplies and tools.

      Not sure how to let you contact me except to put my e-mail here. I don't want to violate any forum rules or turn this into a sale or auction thread. That isn't my intent. Anyone interested can contact me at;
    6. roddyq roddyq, 8 years ago
      Good to see that you have marked mystery solved and that the info has helped you. I do not appraise items or make offers on items. If I like something then I am willing to possibly discuss more about it without worrying about priority as there are not too many things that I must have in my collection. For me the excitement still is walking into a garage sale or small out of the way store and finding an unexpected surprise.
      Thank you for sharing your email look forward to any future posts you may have especially Lionel Diesels.

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