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Welz Striped Bowl

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Bohemian Art Glass2457 of 6681Welz Pedestal Vases Green Aventurine and OxbloodWelz honeycomb spatter glass miniature jug & basin set
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (907 items)

    I think this is a sugar bowl and that it probably had a matching jug. I have a number of Welz jug/bowl sets. The clear pedestal is solid glass. The interior is white with an outer layer of clear glass, sandwiching stripes of red and green aventurine. The stripes have a 'harder' edge on the left and are 'feathery' to the right. Similar to, but wider than, the stripes on the bowl in image four.

    Oxblood was used a lot by Welz, including in combination with green aventurine, and green aventurine plus other colours.

    I've never seen this shape or this width of stripe before, but nevertheless I think it is most probably Welz.

    Diameter 11 cm./4.26 inches Height 9.5 cm./3.75 inches

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    1. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 8 years ago
      It's beautiful. It's nice to see a sugar bowl, they seem rarer to come across. Love the lidded bowl too..more stripes and spots :)
    2. Ivonne Ivonne, 8 years ago
      Oh,this is amazing - colours and the shape
    3. robin56 robin56, 8 years ago
      Could it possibly be murano? I believe they worked with this style too
    4. sklo42 sklo42, 8 years ago
      Thank you, Fran, it appeals to my love of the unusual!
    5. sklo42 sklo42, 8 years ago
      Thank you Ivonne, and enough white to prevent it looking Dark!
    6. sklo42 sklo42, 8 years ago
      Thank you robin, I don't think so but I have no real knowledge of Murano.
    7. sklo42 sklo42, 8 years ago
      Thank you for the loves,
      and Manikin
    8. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      Great piece Peggy! I love how it sits on a pedestal and actually looks like a bowl! The pieces in the last pic we're very nicely presented! :-)
    9. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      sklo, this is such a neat piece. At first when I saw it I hoped it was big, and could serve as a trifle bowl!! :) But even at the smaller size, it is just lovely!
    10. sklo42 sklo42, 8 years ago
      Thank you, Rick. Do I have pieces that I call bowls that look nothing like bowls? lol
    11. sklo42 sklo42, 8 years ago
      I'm old school, Michelle. I like clear trifle bowls that show the layers :)

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