Posted 8 years ago
(497 items)
I popped down to the charity shop this morning to drop some bits off, and came back with this. It is the deepest cobalt blue, and looks almost purple. I took the pictures outside to try and get more light on it, but no sun, just a glimpse in picture 3! It is oval in shape with a scalloped edge, and I think it is molded glass as I can't see any joins. It is nearly 10" long and nearly 6" across and nearly 4" tall. What I don't know is what it is! I thought at first jelly mold, but they don't have scalloped edges, so it is probably a vase. The base is scratched and there are the odd splashes of paint! So some age. The top edge is a bit "rough" all around.
It made be a centerpiece bowl perhaps by anchor hocking or indiana or another glass company. I'm not sure but may be Tallcakes can help.
Thanks Robin, at least that gives me something to look up!
Beautiful! Email me cause I want to shopping with you.
Haha, Byrdnest, you would have to go a long way to come shopping with me! I still haven't found what this bowl is. I found an oil lamp with similar pattern that was called Coolidge Drape, made in USA, but they only seemed to make lamps. I supposed the pattern could be called Drape?
Love love looove it :)
I've added 2 new pictures, because I found the same bowl today, but in a chrome stand, which adds a new dimension to it.
I'm thinking likely British. I did find a similar with that same distinct bottom design:
Yes, I found a few similar ones, and one had a label Mayall & Co (Wednesbury).I've looked them up and the make silver plated ware etc, though I think my stand is chrome. I can't find out much about the company though, and don't know where the glass comes from! I'll keep looking.