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Moulded Cobalt Blue Glass Bowl / Vase Centrepiece

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (498 items)

    I popped down to the charity shop this morning to drop some bits off, and came back with this. It is the deepest cobalt blue, and looks almost purple. I took the pictures outside to try and get more light on it, but no sun, just a glimpse in picture 3! It is oval in shape with a scalloped edge, and I think it is molded glass as I can't see any joins. It is nearly 10" long and nearly 6" across and nearly 4" tall. What I don't know is what it is! I thought at first jelly mold, but they don't have scalloped edges, so it is probably a vase. The base is scratched and there are the odd splashes of paint! So some age. The top edge is a bit "rough" all around.

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    1. robin56 robin56, 8 years ago
      It made be a centerpiece bowl perhaps by anchor hocking or indiana or another glass company. I'm not sure but may be Tallcakes can help.
    2. AdeleC AdeleC, 8 years ago
      Thanks Robin, at least that gives me something to look up!
    3. byrdnest byrdnest, 8 years ago
      Beautiful! Email me cause I want to shopping with you.
    4. AdeleC AdeleC, 8 years ago
      Haha, Byrdnest, you would have to go a long way to come shopping with me! I still haven't found what this bowl is. I found an oil lamp with similar pattern that was called Coolidge Drape, made in USA, but they only seemed to make lamps. I supposed the pattern could be called Drape?
    5. VikingGirl VikingGirl, 8 years ago
      Love love looove it :)
    6. AdeleC AdeleC, 6 years ago
      I've added 2 new pictures, because I found the same bowl today, but in a chrome stand, which adds a new dimension to it.
    7. TallCakes TallCakes, 6 years ago
      I'm thinking likely British. I did find a similar with that same distinct bottom design:
    8. AdeleC AdeleC, 6 years ago
      Yes, I found a few similar ones, and one had a label Mayall & Co (Wednesbury).I've looked them up and the make silver plated ware etc, though I think my stand is chrome. I can't find out much about the company though, and don't know where the glass comes from! I'll keep looking.

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