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Channel Island Jewellery brooch (No 2)

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (12 items)

    Since posting this a year ago, my collection has expanded to over 20 Channel Island Jewellery pieces. These were made on the Island of Jersey, Channel Islands UK, and the guy who created this marbly technique which spanned over many years, destroyed all moulds and technique notes on his retirement so it could not be copied. Amongst my collection are pendants, rings brooches and a pretty pin dish that was gifted to me.
    This is my second Channel Island Jewellery brooch purchase. It measures 5 x 3.5cms, made of pottery, glazed and gilded.

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    1. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      I searched... can't find anything in French...
      Only this one appeared:
      Ceramic Art Brooch by Channel Island Jewellery by WestbourneGoods
    2. alwayssearching alwayssearching, 8 years ago
      Yes I turned that one up too...amongst others, but I have made contact with folk on the islands to see if they can do some research for me, so I am hoping something will turn up.
    3. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      This is so interesting, the way it's made. The gold links are porcelain, gilded? That's lots of work!

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